DA052021 - Notice of public advertisement of planning proposal

Published on Thursday, 10 June 2021 at 9:38:30 AM

46 Scott Street, Koorda – Tourist development workforce accommodation camp including 20 accommodation rooms, 2 x accessible rooms, crib building, common building including laundry, carparking and bin store.

Development application number: DA052021

The Shire has received and is currently assessing a planning application for the above.

A copy of the development plans can be viewed below.

As this proposal is considered to have a minimal impact on the broader area surrounding the subject property, notification letters relating to the proposal have only been sent to a selection of landowners and occupiers in the property’s immediate vicinity.

You may wish to provide a submission on the proposal, as a written comment, by Thursday 24 June 2021.
(This is to allow for the Statutory 14-day public consultation period, under the State’s Planning and Development Laws).

Submissions can be made via the online Planning Consultation Submission Form, an email or via post to PO. Box 22, Koorda WA 6475.

Submissions will be considered as part of the overall decision-making process.

Documents and Downloads

46 Scott Street, Koorda - Development Plans  (5.265mb)

46 Scott Street, Koorda - Bushfire Management Plan (28.528mb)

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